MTL - Micro-Trains Line/Kadee
My Collection:
The Cars I offer here are all from my personal collection.
Some are common, some rare, a lot of them have never been offered on E Bay.
I am weeding out my collection. My new layout will be based in the Modern Era.
Some cars are New, Used or were Runners on my old layout.
My collection has been in storage since 1999 and have not been out since.
Many times these cars were short runs.
Most of these Items are Kadee - before the name changed to Micro-Trains Lines (MTL)
MTL are without a doubt the best most detailed & painted cars available to the N Scaler.
Best of all is they are made here in the USA!
I toured their factory while at the 2012 N Scale Enthusiast Convention and all I can say is WOW - very impressive operation.
Buy with confidence as I am not some junk store or someone who doesn't know the hobby.
I hope you enjoy this fine hobby as much as I do.
Thanks for looking & come back again as I will be adding more items.
All Proceeds go to help Build the
CMRR Free-moN Modular Railroad
You can Join us on Facebook at:
Ed McNamara